

Spray Booth Remodel

Posted by | MG, Painting | No Comments

Last night was reserved for gold touchup paint and it sure as heck was fun.

I noticed that the yellow light of the flood light from the outside of my basement was making it difficult to see the areas not covered by the gold paint. I went in and did a bunch of detail work and fixing parts that may have been damaged when a couple pieces fell off their sticks overnight. After letting them try, I put a couple of them together to give myself a better idea of how it was all fitting together. I’m pretty excited.

One thing I noticed through all of this is that a lot of the lights that were built into the spray booth were yellow and made it difficult to see the spots where the gold wasn’t covering. I also hadn’t unified the power source and was using dangerous wiring. So, I added some IKEA LED lights which allowed to change the colors (HA) and then bolted a power surge to the side of the shelf. Once I got the booth outside, it gave off so much light that I didn’t need to use the floods at all. It was a Christmas Miracle. In February.

So this weekend is going to be PACKED with stuff going on, so I am going to try and get as much done tonight as possible. I made a promise to myself to get my office finished this weekend before I start to setup a photo studio space. (Read: my girlfriend told me to get one project done before moving onto another. She’s a good influence.) So, because this is more for me than for you, listed below is the agenda. It’s lofty and ambitious, but eating is overrated.

  • Building Office Credenza
  • Moving Shelves out of closet to basement (More storage, awww yessss)
  • Clear Coat Endoskeleton – Gold Pieces
  • Prime Armor Plates
  • Hand paint details on Endo? Maybe? Depends on the drying time of the clear coat


Have a great weekend, folks!


Weekly Update – 02.24

Posted by | MG, Painting | No Comments

Paint prep and drying and rain. Even though I didn’t do a lot last week, here’s your update!

Current ProjectSazabi MG Ver Ka

Primer. Primer. Primer. I should probably get the endoskeleton painted, but getting motivated to situate my airbrush is … daunting. My painting setup isn’t set in stone and I have a giant desk that needs sanding taking up most of the room in my shop, currently. Excuses, yes, but it’s making things go less smoothly than desired.

After the gym tonight, though, I should have enough time.

Future ProjectSinanju Stein MG Ver Ka

Funny story, I was waiting for my basement to air out from priming the Sazabi endoskeleton and I decided to finish up the prepaint prep for my Sinanju Stein. AND IT LOOKS FANTASTIC. After tossing around ideas for color schemes, because the gold was ridiculous, I decided I am going to explore a Titans themed concept. I saw a Wing suit with the similar scheme and it looked badass. Even though I hate Wing!

Anyway, more coming.


Weekly Update – 02.14

Posted by | MG, Painting | No Comments

We had the pleasure of an ice storm and a snow storm this week, which means ALL THE GUNPLA! I got quite a bit of building done and even a war wound.

Current ProjectSazabi MG Ver Ka

So I finished the endoskeleton for the Sazabi and I realized I would have to take a lot of it apart again for painting due to how intricate the entire thing is. There are shifting plates and hydraulics all over this massive beast. It also stands taller than any Master Grade I’ve build to date. I didn’t have a gun built yet, so I used my exact for scale, and it barely was tall enough for the kit to grab onto. Damn thing looks like a cane. With a blade at the end. So a halberd? Either way.

When I started putting together the funnel pods, I realized I would be be using maybe 2-3 different colors on this part alone. This is the first kit in a while where I didn’t mock up the colors because I expected it to be an easy scheme. Holy shit was I wrong. The general plan was glossy white for the plates and gold for the endo ( Shhhh, I like goooold ) but now I might need to do some black or chrome or something. I’m going to have to sort out all of these parts once everything is snipped and sanded.

All in all, though, I am pretty flippin’ excited. I also need to stop cutting off my fingers while trimming the nubs off of the armor plates. Wasn’t much of a cut but good gods damn did it bleed all over the place.

Future ProjectTBD

A buddy of mine asked me to custom paint a kit for him so I’m sending him a list of all the kits I have in the workshop, currently. I haven’t done an inventory for a long time so stay tuned.


Weekly Update – 02.07

Posted by | MG, Painting, PG | No Comments

Work and the house setup has been pretty grueling, but I’ve had some time to play around with some kits.

Current ProjectSazabi MG Ver Ka

The last couple nights I’ve been pre-assembling and sanding the torso, head, arms, plates. The more I build, the more I am in love with this kit. Sazabi itself isn’t that exciting a prospect to me as the kit itself. All of the shifting plates and care put into it is mind blowing. It’s hard to not just slap the plates on to see it finished, but I know that my methods of deconstruction are … destructive.

More to come on this kit as the weekend progresses. I need to paint my office desk and then I can get my paint setup assembled and situated. It doesn’t help that I have one of those metal desks from the 50s that weighs a metric shit ton.

Future Project00 Raiser PG

I found more pieces! Hurray! I might be able to keep working on this kit now.


Weekly Update – 01.22

Posted by | MG, Painting, PG | No Comments

Hey folks, long time no see. I’ve moved my shop into my basement and I’m just working on organizing and setting up the paint booth again. It’s also hella cold down there currently so a space heater is on the waiting list as well. Fire hazard? Sure, why not.

Current ProjectSinanju Stein MG Ver Ka
The head / hands / cockpit are all sanded and disassembled and I just need to prep the rest of the parts and do the test build. Then the research with the colors begins! Black primer and chrome and clear yellow for gold? We’ll see how it all comes together.

Future Project00 Raiser PG
Now that all of my kits and parts are at the house, I unpacked my 00 and I want to get back at this kit something FIERCE. I’ll post pictures of the parts as they are as soon as possible.